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Profile of Pyongyang IP Centre at the DPR Korea

Posted by: Pyongyang IP Centre
Practice Area: Patent    Country: North Korea    Publish Date:

Pyongyang IP Centre is the founder of the intellectual property profession in the DPR Korea, which was found on July 26, 1980 as the first chartered professional IP law firm in the country. At that time, its name was Pyongyang Patent & Trademark Agency.  For the purpose of extension of the business, the firm changed its full name to Pyongyang IP Centre in 2000's.

The firm is the largest intellectual property law firm in the country with more than 50 legal and technical professionals including some 30 chartered patent and trademark attorneys representing a host of national and international clients ranging from individual inventors to world giant multinationals from some 70 jurisdictions. About 60 percent of patent and trademark cases in the country are handled annually by Pyongyang IP Centre.

The firm's chartered attorneys represent clients before the DPR Korea Invention Office and before the Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications Office of the DPR Korea. 

The practice of Pyongyang IP Centre covers all the areas and aspects of intellectual property rights concerning patents, trademarks, designs and other related fields.

The patent Department of the firm serves the clients in any field of technology including biotechnology, pharmacology, medicine, chemistry, electronics, electricity, physics, civil engineering, informatics, computer science, agricultural engineering, etc. The patent attorneys ensure the quality of patent services including translation, drafting, filing, prosecuting of patent application, invalidation, renewal, litigation and technical transfer.

The practice of the Trademark Department covers all the areas concerning national and foreign trademarks and designs. The trademark attorneys are skilled in various trademark matters including filing, prosecuting of trademark applciation, search, renewal, assignment, alteration, handling opposition, trademark monitoring, litigation and watching service, etc.

Through the long-standing activities, Pyongyang IP Centre has brought about great successes in building up the steady business foundation and the strong viability and in enriching experiences combined with the creative and forward-looking power. The abundant knowledge on diverse science and technology and the sophisticated professional expertise have enabled the firm to fully serve the clients and to prompt their incentive to exploit IP products with legal guaranties.

Modern information means and computerized management for all kinds of formalities, procedures, searches, administration, renewals and so on have also been considered as one of the important factors to enhance the quality, speed and accuracy of the firm's services.

With a long history and exceptional abilities, the firm holds the highest rank among the IP firms in the DPR Korea. So far, the firm has established and maintained strong cooperative relationship with many of enterprises and IP firms from many countries and areas. Almost all foreign IP firms have designated Pyongyang IP Centre as the best local agent to represent their clients in the DPR Korea.  

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