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How Can Child Custody Law Firm Protect The Best Interests of Your Child?

Posted by: Miley Law Firm
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: All    Publish Date:

Every custody case is based on specific "best interest of child" standards, which plays a critical role in deciding the final outcome of the dispute. However, when it comes to securing these interests of your child, then the services and support of a competent attorney can be of immense help. The attorney will not only understand your expectations from the case, but at the same time ensure that proper practices are followed to achieve them.

Factors Considered By CPS and Child Custody Attorneys

To ensure that the best is provided to the child, most of the attorneys take an account of four important factors. More information about this is given below:

1. Age of the child

In those cases, where the mother is regarded to be the primary caregiver, lawyers make it a point that the child gets to stay with them. Still, there can be exceptions to this, depending on the present circumstances, and the kind of bond that the child shares with their parents. But, motherly care is essential for a nursing baby.

2. Living situation of each parent

The financial situation of the parent is another major aspect of custody disputes. In case, the parent is unable to take care of the child due to financial constrains, while the other parent is financially sound, then provisions are made to ensure that the stable parent contributes in the growth and development of the child. Lawyers from the child custody law firm, will discuss about the same beforehand and file the required documentations.

3. Relationship with the child prior to divorce

There are times when parents tend to go for custody requests only to win over their spouse. The CPS & child custody attorneys ensure that you have a desire to raise the child. This should not only reflect in your present action, but even the things that you've done for them during the marriage. Experienced lawyers are capable of representing such emotions in a much better way, allowing the judge to take a better decision.

4. Preferences of the child

A child who is above 12 years of age, can talk to the judge regarding their preferences. Moreover, there are certain state laws that support taking views from the child. The judge may even get to know more about their preferences through the evaluator. With the services of local family attorney, appropriate steps can be taken to reserve the choices of your child.

Getting over the struggle and stress of divorce may not be such an easy experience, hence hire a certified family law firms in Fort Worth, who will be the one-stop solution to all your family related cases.

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